• Detail from Rocks and Sea by Luís Seoane (1976)

  • Carme Vidal in 'Aula aberta'
    June 26th, 2024 at 7.30 pm

    The conference "Mulleres coa vida escrita" will close the cycle organized by ILLA together with AC Alexandre Bóveda.

    Agrupación Cultural Alexandre Bóveda (Santo André 36, 1º)
  • Members of ILLA participate in the congress of the Association of Italian Hispanists
    June 19 to 22, 2024

    Leticia Eirín and Diego Rivadulla are taking part in the triennial scientific meeting of the Association of Italian Hispanists which, in this edition, addresses the theme "L'universo femminile fra testi e storia. Temi, s...

    Sapienza Università di Roma (Italia)
  • III Encontro investigador sobre poesía galega actual
    June 11th, 2024

    This year's meeting, coordinated by Isaac Lourido, will be dedicated to ongoing projects and new perspectives. 

    Sala de Xuntas da Facultade de Filoloxía (UDC) / Teams
  • New edition of 'Elas no prelo'
    June 5th, 2024

    The activity is organized by the project "A edición literaria na Galiza (1975-2000)", funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation and the State Research Agency, and has the support of ILLA

    Xiga/Tera room, CITIC (UDC)