The event will be presented by Professor Ánxela Lema, a member of ILLA, and will feature contributions from the editors of the volume, Daniel Amarelo and Laura Lesta García.
This coming Wednesday the book Beyond Sentidiño: New Diasporic Reflections on Galician Culture will be presented. This volume brings together essays from various fields in the humanities and social sciences to foster a discussion incorporating new concepts that, until now, have not been part of Galicia's imaginary: gentrification, linguistic imperialism, youth unemployment, deruralization and deindustrialization, media control, technocapitalism, and gender and sexual normativity.
Under the coordination of Dr. Ánxela Lema, a member of this group, the editors of the volume will participate: Daniel Amarelo, a PhD student in Humanities and Communication at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, a member of the Galician Network of Queer Studies (RGEQ), and a professor at the Official School of Languages (EOI) of A Coruña in the Portuguese Department; and Laura Lesta García, Assistant Professor of Luso-Hispanic Studies at Middlebury College (Vermont, USA). Her research addresses the intersection of humor and history and its role in the processes of national and identity formation, particularly in Galicia.