
Serxio Couso's presentation in the 'Aula aberta' series
June 22th, 2023, 7.30 pm
AC Alexandre Bóveda (A Coruña)

The conference is titled 'O Maroutallo: desexo, mímese e disforia nunha obra de Otero Pedrayo'. 

The conference will conduct a gender-focused analysis of Ramón Otero Pedrayo's last narrative work published during his lifetime, O Maroutallo (1974), aiming to reflect on the process of constructing women's identity, always mediated by the relationship men established with them. Through the analysis of the actions and thoughts of its protagonist, the discussion will delve into women as subjects with sexual desire, mechanisms of female socialization, and the reality of non-normative bodies.

Serxio Couso holds a degree in Galician-Portuguese and Spanish from the University of A Coruña. Currently, he is pursuing a Master's in Teacher Training at the University of Santiago de Compostela.

The event will take place at the headquarters of the Agrupación Cultural Alexandre Bóveda (rúa San Andrés 36, 1º).