
Conferences 'Legados dende a dislocación. Intervencións no presente e imaxinación do futuro nos exilios da Guerra Civil'
16th and 17th June 2022
Illa de San Simón (Redondela)

Teresa López, coordinator of the ILLA group, participates in this meeting.

Teresa López will participate in the conference organised by the Consello da Cultura Galega and the city council of Redondela with the intervention '(Re)creando comunidade: o teatro galego en Bos Aires, entre a emigración e o exilio'. 

The conference, coordinated by Pablo García Martínez, aims to bring together specialists in the study of the exile produced by the Civil War and who develop their work from different points of the Galician, national and foreign xeography. Through the three round tables that form the backbone of the meeting, attention will be paid both to the forms of insertion of the exiles in the host societies through various forms of militancy, and to the cultural legacies they left behind during their stay in exile and, finally, to the futures they imagined due to the adverse contexts in which they lived.

The programme of the event includes speeches by Ramón Villares, Manuel Aznar, Mari Paz Balibrea, Eva Moreda, Xosé Manuel Núñez Seixas, among others.

Attendance is free, but registration is required.