
Carlos Paulo Martínez Pereiro's intervention at the III Congresso de Literatura Brasileira
December 2022
University of Salamanca

Professor Martínez Pereiro, member of ILLA, tought the plenary conference "O perpetum mobile da Máquina do Mundo nas recentes práticas interartísticas brasileiras (Claros enigmas e escuros sentidos)".

Carlos Paulo Martínez gave a lecture on the late 14th about the literary and cultural motive of the Máquina do Mundo which, based on the Reinassance roots of Dante and Camões, has acquired the centrality of the field with the poem "A Máquina do Mundo", written by Carlos Drummond de Andrade. In the current millenium, aside from approaching the humorous-serious epic poem of por mares nunca dantes (2000) from Geraldo Carneiro, inter alia, different creators who understood the silent music of the skeptical spheres from Durmmond were approached, rephrasing the worldly machine in enviromental and quantum-mathematics parameters. This rephrasing was interpreted in the works of literate artists that practised the humanism diktat of Samuel Beckett of 'fail and, try again multiple times, fail more and better': creators like Haroldo de Campos, with "A máquina do mundo repensada" (2000), Marco Lucchesi, with "A quarta parede" form Alma Venus (2000) —whith a definitive version in Alma Venus (Temporais) of 2008—, Laura Vinci, with the installation sculpture "A máquina do mundo" (2004) —with several replicas in subsequent dramatizations, installations and exhibitions in 2005,2007 and 2010—, or Nuno Ramos, with the photographic and poetic work Junco (2011). 

The III International Congress of Brazilian Literature is organized by the Centro de Estudos Brasileiros da Universidade de Salamanca and the Academia Brasileira de Letras.

Picture: Laura Vinci's installation "Máquina do Mundo" (Siena 2004).