
‘No centenario do Cadro de Declamación da Universidade’
19th April 2022
Faculty of Philology Conference Room (Salón de graos)

Talk with Laura Tato and Aurora Marco 

At the invitation of the ILLA group, the professors will participate in a round table moderated by Carlos-Caetano Biscainho-Fernandes, professor at the UDC and member of the ILLA group.  

Aurora Marco holds a PhD in Philosophy and Arts from the University of Santiago de Compostela and is a lecturer at the University School of Didactics of Galician Language and Literature. In the 1980s she began her research work on the history of women in Galicia to recover the biography of more than 400 Galician women. In 2011 she received the Mestre Mateo Award for best documentary for As silenciadas and, in 2021, she won the Follas Novas do Libro Galego Award in the essay and research category for her book Irmandiñas

Laura Tato is a lecturer in Galician and Portuguese Philology at the University of A Coruña and a member of the ILLA group. She is a specialist in the history of Galician theatre, on which she has published, among others, Historia do teatro galego. Das orixes a 1936 (1999) and Teatro galego 1915-1936 (1997). His work has been recognised with several prizes: IV Premio de Investigación Lingüística y Literaria Ricardo Carvalho Calero for Teatro y Nacionalismo. Ferrol 1915-1936 (1995), the XVIII Premio Vicente Risco de Ciencias Sociais for Do teatro ao cinema. Obras dramáticas y guiones de Ramón Otero Pedrayo (2014) and in 2021 the Premio de Honor Roberto Vidal Bolaño for his academic work.