
Presentation of O portugués esquecido na Universidade do Minho
7th April 2022
Paraninfo da Escola de Letras, Artes e Ciências Humanas

Xosé Manuel Sánchez Rei presented the second edition of his work in Portugal. 

The professor from A Coruña and member of the ILLA group was accompanied at the event by María Aldina Marques, professor at the University of Braga and ILLA collaborator. 

The event was organised by the Centro de Estudos Galegos in collaboration with the Departamento de Estudos Portugueses e Lusofónos of the Universidade do Minho and it was presented by María Aldina Marques. 

In this volume, the author explains in detail how, for centuries, the popular orality of the northern regions of Portugal preserved phonetic, grammatical and lexical features that correspond, nowadays, to differentiating characteristics of Galician with respect to the Lusitanian standard. Grammarians, lexicographers and treatise writers from the Lisbon metropolis fought them energetically since the beginning of the Portuguese grammatical tradition in the 16th century. But most of them, for cultural, historical, sociological and other reasons, managed to survive until the end of the 19th century or the beginning of the next century and, in some cases, even survived into our own time.